
From Review to Genre to Novel and Back. An Attempt to Relate Reader Impact to Phenomena of Novel Text 

  • Marijn Koolen orcid logo (KNAW Humanities Cluster)
  • Joris van Zundert orcid logo (Huygens Institute for History and Culture of the Netherlands)
  • Eva Viviani orcid logo (Netherlands eScience Center)
  • Carsten Schnober orcid logo (Netherlands eScience Center)
  • Willem van Hage orcid logo (Netherlands eScience Center)
  • Katja Tereshko orcid logo (Huygens Institute for History and Culture of the Netherlands)


We are interested in the textual features that correlate with the re- ported impact by readers of novels. We operationalize impact measurement through a rule-based reading impact model and apply it to 634,614 reader reviews mined from seven review platforms. We compute co-occurrences of impact-related terms and their keyness for genres represented in the corpus. The corpus consists of the full text of 18,885 books from which we derived topic models. The topics we find correlate strongly with genre, and we get strong indicators for which key impact terms are connected to which genre. These key impact terms give us a first evidence-based insight into genre-related readers’ motivations. 

Keywords: reader impact, literary novels, genre, topic modeling

How to Cite:

Koolen, M., van Zundert, J., Viviani, E., Schnober, C., van Hage, W. & Tereshko, K., (2024) “From Review to Genre to Novel and Back. An Attempt to Relate Reader Impact to Phenomena of Novel Text ”, Journal of Computational Literary Studies 3(1), 1-32. doi:



Published on
17 Oct 2024
Peer Reviewed

1. Introduction

Already Aristotle noted the reciprocal relations between an author, the text the author creates, and the response from an audience to the text. This fundamental model of rhetorical poetics has remained relevant throughout the ages (see e.g., Abrams 1971; Warnock 1978). The dynamics of the relations between author, text, and reader have been heavily theorized and fiercely debated (see e.g., Hickman 2012; Wimsatt 1954). But if there is no lack of theory, it appears to be much harder to gain empirical insights into these relations, though not for lack of trying by practitioners in such fields as empirical and computational literary studies (e.g., Fialho 2019; Loi et al. 2023; Miall and Kuiken 1994). One effect of the immense success of the World Wide Web and softwarization and digitization of societies and their cultures (Berry 2014; Manovich 2013) is the availability of large collections of online book reviews and digital full texts from novels published as ePubs. This allows us to apply NLP techniques and corpus statistics to get empirical data on the relations between text and reader that until now could only be theorized or anecdotally evidenced. At the same time, we should acknowledge that it is no panacea for the problem of empirical observations in literary studies. Not just because of the inherent biases (Gitelman 2013; Prescott 2023; Rawson and Muñoz 2016), or the almost complete lack of demographic and social signals in the data, but also because of the difficulties still involved in establishing which concrete signal in novels relates to which type of reaction for which type of reader. This is where we focus our research: We attempt to establish which concrete features of online reviews correlate to which concrete signals in the text of fiction novels.

Ιn a theoretical sense, we are concentrating on the right hand side of the classical rhetorical triangle (see Figure 1a) and operationalize the dynamic between text and reader as another triangular relationship between impact, topic, and genre. With “impact” (and the commensurate “reading impact”), we designate expressions of reader experiences identified by some evidence-based method (e.g., as reader impact constituents researched by Koolen et al. (2023)). We apply the reader impact model to assign concrete terms to types of reading impact. The concrete text signal that we correlate this impact with are topics mined from a corpus of novels. (As an aside, we note that these topics are not to be confused with themes, motives, or aboutness in a literary studies sense, as we will explain later.) The meta-textual property, genre, forms the third measurable aspect of the triangular relationship (see Figure 1b).

Figure 1: Classic rhetorical model (a) and our operationalization of the text–reader relation (b).

Concretely, we link topic models of 18,885 novels in Dutch (original Dutch and translated to Dutch) with the reading impact expressed in 130,751 Dutch online book reviews. We want to know if there is a relationship between aspects of topic in novels, their genre, and the type of impact expressed by readers in their reviews. We extracted expressions for three types of reading impact from the reviews using the previously developed Reading Impact Model for Dutch (Boot and Koolen 2020). The three types of reading impact that we discern are: “General affective impact”, which expresses the overall evaluation and sentiment regarding a novel; “narrative impact”, which relates to aspects of story, plot, and characters; and finally “stylistic impact”, related to writing style and aesthetics.

We expect that topics in fiction are related to genre. As there is no authoritative source for genre of a novel, nor some general academic consensus about what constitutes genre, we make use of the broad genre labels that publishers have assigned to each published book. Analogous to Sobchuk and Šeļa (2023, 2), who define genre as “a population of texts united by broad thematic similarities”, we clustered these genre labels into a set of nine genres. These thematic similarities might be revealed in a topical analysis, e.g., crime novels containing more crime-related topics and romance novels containing more topics related to romance and sex. However, for some genres it might be less obvious whether they are related to topic. For instance, what are the topics one would expect in the broad genre of literary fiction?

It is important to note that, although the name topic modeling suggests that what is modeled is topic, most topic modeling approaches discern clusters of frequently co-occurring words, regardless of whether they have a topical connection or not (in the classical sense of “aboutness” in library science). Clusters of words may also reveal a different type of connection, e.g., words from a particular stylistic register. In that sense, genres with less clear thematic similarities may be associated with certain stylistic registers, or any other clustering of vocabulary. Different genres may also attract different types of readers and therefore different types of reviewers, who use different terminology and pay attention to different aspects of novels. It is also plausible that the language and topic of a novel influences how readers write about them in reviews. A novel written in a particularly striking poetic style may consciously or subconsciously lead readers to adopt some of its poetic aspects and register in how they write about their reading experiences. Similarly, topics in novels may be associated with what reviewers choose to mention, again, consciously or subconsciously. A novel on the atrocities of war or on the pain of losing a loved one may lead a reviewer to mention feeling sympathy or sadness during reading, while a story about friendship and betrayal might prompt reviewers to describe their anger at the actions of one of the characters.

Thus, it is clear that the relationship between the three elements – topic, genre, and impact – is complex and reciprocal, as expressed in Figure 1b. Our challenge, of course, is to computationally investigate and understand this relationship utilizing the large number of full-text novels from different genres and corpora of hundreds of thousands of reviews. We subdivide this overarching aim into several more concrete research questions, namely:

  • How are topic and impact related to each other? Do books with certain topics lead to more impact expressed in book reviews? Do different topics lead to different types of impact?

  • How are genre and impact related to each other? Do books of different genres lead to different types of impact? Do reviews of different genres use different vocabulary for expressing the same types of impact?

  • How are topic and genre related to each other? Are certain topics more likely in some genres than in others?

This paper makes three main contributions to our ongoing research. The first is that it contributes to our understanding of the reading impact model and through it of the language of reading impact. We formalize the ability to tell genres apart using the keyness of impact terms. Thus, we now have quantitative support to argue that certain impact terms are strongly connected to certain genres and less to others. Second, we find that the topics from novels can be clustered into broader themes that lead to distinct thematic profiles per genre. There is a clear relation between impact terms and genre, but not between impact terms and topic or theme. In the discussion at the end, we elaborate on this and provide possible explanations for this finding. The third contribution is the insight that the key impact terms per genre give an indication of the motivation of readers to read a book and how the reading experience relates to their expectations.

2. Background

We are interested in what kind of impression novels leave with their readers. Can we measure this so-called “impact” and how does it relate to features of the actual novel texts? Several studies have tried to link success or popularity of texts to features of those texts. Some studies have related pace, in the sense of how much distance the same length of texts covers in a semantic space, to success; finding that success correlates with higher pacing of narrative (Laurino Dos Santos and Berger 2022; Toubia et al. 2021). It has been argued that songs whose lyrics deviate form a genre’s usual pattern tend to be more popular (Berger and Packard 2018). Other work relating topic models to surveyed ratings of literariness suggests the same for fiction novels (Cranenburgh et al. 2019). Moreira et al. (2023, 32) apply “sentiment arc features […] and semantic profiling” with some success to predict ratings on Goodreads. Taking the number of Gutenberg downloads as a proxy for success, Ashok et al. (2013) reach 84% accuracy in predicting popularity based on learning low-level stylistic features of the text of novels. Zundert et al. (2018) use sales numbers as a proxy for popularity in a machine learning attempt to predict success, concluding that the theme of masculinity is at least one major driver of successful fiction.

Common to all these studies is that they target some proxy of success or popularity: Goodreads ratings, sales numbers, download statistics, and so forth. However, to our knowledge no research has tried to link concrete features of fiction narratives to textual features of reviews from readers. We seek to uncover if there is such a relation and if it may be meaningful from a literary research perspective. In our present study, we apply a heuristic model for impact features (Boot and Koolen 2020) to a corpus of 600,000+ reader reviews mined from several online review platforms. We attempt to relate collocations of impact related terms to genre. Advancing previous research on genre and topic models (Zundert et al. 2022), our contribution in this paper is to examine how collocated impact terms relate to genre and genre to topic models of novels, thus offering a first insight into the relation between topics (understood in terms of topic model) and reader reported impact measures. Such work needs to take into account the plethora of problems that surround the application of topic models to downstream tasks. This concerns topics content wise, which is to say that topic models in contrast to their name do not often express much topical information. Rather they may be connected to meta-textual features, such as author (Thompson and Mimno 2018), genre (Schöch 2017), or structural elements in texts (Uglanova and Gius 2020).

Our current contribution leans more to the side of data exploration than to the side of offering assertive generalizations. We are interested in empirically quantifying the impact that the text of novels has on readers. Any operationalization of this research aim necessarily involves many narrowing choices and, at least initially, the audacious naivety to ignore the stupefying complexity of social mechanisms to which readers are susceptible and thus the mass of confounding text-external factors that also drive reader impact. In our setup, we assume that there are at least some textual features, such as style, narrative pace, plot, character likability, that may be measured and that can be related to reader impact. We further assume that book reviews scraped from online platforms do serve as a somewhat reliable gauge to measure reader impact. We make these cautionary statements not just pro forma, but because we know that our information is selective, biased, and skewed. Thanks to the stalwart experts of the Dutch National Library, we do have for our analysis the full text of 18,885 novels in Dutch (both translated and of Dutch origin). We also have 634,614 online reviews, gathered by scraping platforms such as Goodreads, Hebban1, and so forth. This corpus is biased. Romance novels comprise only about 3% of the corpus of full texts. This is in stark contrast to its undisputed popularity (see Regis (2003, xi): “In the last year of the twentieth century, 55.9% of mass-market and trade paperbacks sold in North America were romance novels”). If our book corpus is skewed, our review data is even more so: Only 1% of the reviews pertain to novels in the romance genre. Obviously, we attempt to balance our data with respect to genre and other properties for analysis. Yet we should remind ourselves of the limited representativeness of our data, which necessitates modesty as to generalizing results. Hence, what follows is more offered as data exploration than as pontification of strong relations.

3. Data and Method

Our corpus of 18,885 books consists of mostly fiction novels and some non-fiction books in the Dutch language (both originally Dutch and translated). The review corpus boasts 634,614 Dutch book reviews. Obviously, we do not have reviews for each book, nor does the set of books fully cover the collection of reviews, but we have upward of 10,000 books with at least one review.

3.1 Preprocessing

Both – books and reviews – are parsed with Trankit (Nguyen et al. 2021). Reading impact is extracted from the reviews using the Dutch Reading Impact Model (DRIM) (Boot and Koolen 2020).

Topic modeling For topic modeling of the novels, we use Top2Vec (Angelov 2020), and created a model with whole books as documents. We apply multiple filters to select terms that signal a topic. Following the advice from previous work (Sobchuk and Šeļa 2023; Uglanova and Gius 2020; Zundert et al. 2022), we focus on content words, and select only nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, and remove any person names identified by the Trankit NER tagger. Our assumption is that person names have little to no relationship with topic, but are strong differentiating terms that tend to cluster parts of books and book series with recurring characters. Names of locations can have a similar effect, but, at least where the setting reflects the real world, we argue that this setting aspect of stories is more meaningfully related to topic. The book corpus contains 1,922,833,614 tokens, including all punctuation and stop words. After filtering for person and location names, 826,226,855 tokens remain.

The next filter is a frequency filter. We remove terms that occur in fewer than 1% of documents or in more than 50% of documents. This leaves 190,607,470 tokens which is 23% of all content words and just under 10% of the total number of tokens2. Books have a mean (median) number of 42,959 (37,940) content tokens. The number of tokens is a Poisson distribution, therefore left-skewed, with 68% (corresponding to data within 1 standard deviation from the mean) of all books having between 17,509 and 63,418 tokens. This shows that the books have a high variation in length, but the majority of the books have a length within a single order of magnitude. After filtering on document frequency, the mean (median) number of tokens is 9,979 (8,325), with 68% having between 3,847 and 14,992 tokens.

Reading impact modeling The DRIM is a rule-based model and works at the level of sentences. It has 275 rules relating to impact in four categories: Affect, Aesthetic and Narrative impact, and Reflection. Both Aesthetic and Narrative impact are sub-categories of Affect, so rules that identify expressions of the sub-categories are also considered expressions of Affect (Boot and Koolen 2020), but expressions of Affect are not necessarily counted as one of the subcategories. The rules for Reflection were not validated (see Boot and Koolen 2020), so we exclude Reflection from our analysis. For our analysis of topic, we expect that Narrative is the most directly related category, but we also include general Affect in our analysis. Expressions identified by the model consist of at least an impact word or phrase, such as “spannend” (suspenseful3). However, many rules require that there is also a book aspect term. For instance, the evaluative word “goed” (good) by itself can refer to anything. To be considered part of an impact expression, it must co-occur in one sentence with a word in one of the book aspect categories, e.g. a style-related word like “geschreven” (written) to be an expression of Aesthetic impact, or a narrative-related word like “verhaal” (story) or “plot” to be an expression of Narrative impact.

The DRIM identified 2,089,576 expressions of impact in the full review dataset. To identify the key impact terms per genre, we use the full review dataset with all of the approximately 2,1 Mio. impact expressions. To make a clearer distinction between impact expressions of generic affect and affect specific to narrative or aesthetics, we consider as Affect only those expressions that are not also categorized as Narrative or Aesthetic. Of the 2,089,576 expressions, there are 667,672 expressions for Aesthetic impact, 690,184 for Narrative impact and 731,720 for generic Affect.

3.2 Connecting Books and Reviews

A crucial step in relating topics in fiction to reading impact expressed in reviews is to connect the books to their corresponding reviews. For this, we rely mostly on the ISBN4 and the author and the book title. Note that a particular work may be connected to multiple ISBNs, for instance when reprints or new editions are produced for the same work with a different ISBN. Many mappings between reviews and books, and between multiple ISBNs of the same work were already made by Boot (2017) and Koolen et al. (2020), for the Online Dutch Book Response (ODBR) dataset of 472,810 reviews. We added around 160,000 reviews from Hebban to the ODBR set. To find ISBNs that refer to the same work, we first queried all ISBNs found in reviews using the SRU5 service of the National Library of the Netherlands. This SRU service gives access to the combined catalog of Dutch libraries and in many cases links multiple editions of the same work with different ISBNs. Using author and title, we resolved another number of duplicated works with different ISBNs. We then mapped all ISBNs of the same work to a unique work ID and linked the reviews via the ISBNs they mention to these work IDs. There are 125,542 distinct works reviewed by the reviews in our dataset. Of the 18,885 books for which we have ePubs, there are 10,056 books with at least one review in our data set. Altogether, these 10,056 unique works are linked to 130,751 reviews.

3.3 Connecting Impact and Topic Data

Our goal was to have a comprehensive mapping of the most relevant topics of works to their reviews, the latter analyzed via the DRIM. To create this dataset, we needed to connect the expressions of impact to the topics in our book dataset. To do so, we took the top five dominant topics of each book6 and linked those topics to the impact expressions in the reviews of the books for that topic. This resulted in a dataset in which each entry links specific reviews to the top five dominant topics for each book.

The Top2Vec model gave us a total of 228 topics. We attempted to label each topic with a distinct content label, but found that many topics are thematically very similar, capturing many of the same elements. Therefore, we manually assigned each topic to one or more of 19 broader themes: 1. geography & setting, 2. behaviors/feelings, 3. culture, 4. crime, 5. history, 6. religion, spirituality & philosophy, 7. supernatural, fantasy & sci-fi, 8. war, 9. society, 10. city & travel, 11. romance & sex, 12. medicine/health, 13. wildlife/nature, 14. economy & work, 15. lifestyle & sport, 16. politics, 17. family, 18. science, 19. other. We provide the number of topics grouped per theme in Figure 27.

Figure 2: The number of topics and books per theme.

We provide the full list of topics, themes, and their respective words in our code repository8.

3.4 Book Genre Information

For genre information about books, we use the Dutch NUR9 classification codes assigned by publishers. As NUR was designed as a marketing instrument to determine where books are shelved in bookshops, publishers can choose codes based not only on the perceived genre of a book but also on marketing strategies related to where they want a book to be shelved to find the biggest audience. Some NUR codes refer to the same or very similar genres. E.g., codes 300, 301, and 302 refer to general literary fiction, Dutch literary fiction, and translated literary fiction, respectively, which we group together under Literary fiction. Similarly, we group codes 313, 330, 331, 332, and 339 under Suspense novels, as they all refer to types of suspense, i.e., pocket suspense, general suspense novels, detective novels, and thrillers, respectively. In total, we select 19 different NUR codes and map them to 9 genres. All remaining NUR codes in the fiction range (300-350) we map to Other fiction and the rest to Non-fiction. The full mapping is provided in Appendix A.

3.5 Keyness Analysis on Impact Terms

The goal of this analysis is to determine (i) which words readers use in their reviews to describe the impact of a particular book and (ii) how characteristic these words are for a particular genre, compared to another genre. A good candidate to measure both (i) and (ii) is keyword analysis or keyness (Dunning 1994; Gabrielatos 2018; Paquot and Bestgen 2009).

There is ample literature comparing different keyness measures (Culpeper and Demmen 2015; Du et al. 2022; Dunning 1994; Gabrielatos 2018; Lijffijt et al. 2016) and finding that no single measure is perfect. A commonly used measure is G2, which identifies key terms that occur statistically significantly more or less often in a target corpus (the reviews for a particular genre) compared to a reference corpus (reviews for one or more other genres).

Lijffijt et al. (2016) showed that Log-Likelihood Ratio (G2, Dunning 1994) and several other frequency-based bag-of-words keyness measures suffer from excessively high confidence in their estimates because these measures assume samples to be statistically independent, but words in a text are not independent of each other. Du et al. (2022) compare frequency-based and dispersion-based measures for a downstream task (text classification) to show that for identifying key terms in a sub-corpus compared to the rest of the corpus, dispersion-based measures are more effective.

To compare the dispersion of a word or phrase in a target corpus to its dispersion in a reference corpus, Du et al. (2021) introduce Eta, which is a variant of the Zeta measure by Burrows (2006).

They find that Eta (Du et al. 2021) and Zeta (Burrows 2006) are among the most effective measures. Both Eta and Zeta compare document proportions of keywords. The former uses Deviation of Proportions (DP) (Gries 2008) which computes two sets of proportions. The first are the proportions that the lengths of documents represent with respect to the total number of words in a corpus (e.g., the set of reviews for books of a specific genre) as an expected distribution of the proportions of keywords. The second is the set of observed proportions of a keyword across a corpus with respect to the total corpus frequency of that keyword. There are two problems with using DP for keyness of impact terms. The first is that some impact terms do not occur in any of the reviews of a specific genre. In such cases, the observed proportions are not properly defined (a proportion of zero is not well-defined), so DP cannot be computed. The second is that the frequency distribution of impact terms in reviews is extremely skewed (84% of all impact terms in reviews have a frequency of 1, while 13% occur twice and the remaining 3% occur three or four times). Although longer reviews have a higher a priori probability of containing a specific impact term than shorter reviews, the frequency distribution of individual impact terms behaves more like a binomial distribution, so length-based proportions are not an appropriate measure of keyness.

Because of this, we instead measure dispersion using document frequencies (the number of reviews for a book genre in which an impact term occurs) to compute the document proportion (the fraction of reviews for a book genre in which an impact term occurs at least once). This gives the document proportion docP(t,G) per impact term t and genre G, with the absolute difference Zeta between two genres defined as:


To illustrate this approach, we compare the document proportions per genre of the impact terms “stijl” (style) and “schrijfstijl” (writing style). The former has the highest document proportion for reviews of Literary fiction (occurring in 3.7% of the reviews) and least in those of Non-fiction (1.2%), resulting in Zeta=0.0370.012=0.025. The latter is most common in reviews of Romance (14.6%) and least common in those of Non-fiction (2.0%), giving Zeta=0.1460.02=0.126.

4. Results

4.1 Topic and Genre

Zundert et al. (2022) found that the topics identified with Top2Vec are strongly associated with genre as identified by publishers. Similarly, Sobchuk and Šeļa (2023) find that Doc2Vec – which is used by Top2Vec to embed the documents in the latent semantic space in which topic vectors are identified – is more effective at clustering books by genre than LDA (Blei et al. 2003).

4.1.1 Genre Distribution per Topic

To extend the findings of Zundert et al. (2022), we first quantitatively demonstrate that there is a relationship between topic and genre. Each topic is associated with a number of books and thereby with the same number of genre labels. From eyeballing the distribution of genre labels per topic, it seems that for most topics, the vast majority of books in that topic belong to a single genre. But the genre distribution of the entire collection is also highly skewed, with a few very large genres and many much smaller genres. So perhaps the skew in most topics resembles the skew of the genre distribution of the collection.

To measure how much the genre distribution per topic deviates from that of the collection, we compute the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KL divergence) between the two distributions.10 This gives a set of 228 deviations from the collection distribution.

But whether these deviations are small or large is difficult to read from the numbers themselves. For that, we should compare them against a random shuffling of the book genres across books (while keeping the books assigned per topic stable). For large topics (with many books), a random shuffling should have a genre distribution close to that of the collection. For small clusters, the divergence will tend to be higher.

We create five alternative clusterings with books randomly assigned to topics with the same topic size distribution as established by the topic model. The distribution of the 228 KL divergence scores per model (five random and one topic model) are shown in Figure 3. The five random models have almost identical distributions concentrated around 0.1 with a standard deviation of around 0.075 and a max. of around 0.5. The genre distribution of the topic model is very different, with a median score of 1.06 and more than 75% of all scores above 0.68. From this quantitative analysis, it is clear that there is a strong relationship between topic and genre.

Figure 3: The KL divergence between the genre distribution per topic and that of the collection for the topic model as well as for five random shuffles of the genre labels using the same books per topic.

We can use the same random shuffling to get more insight into how topics cluster genres. For that, we compute the observed co-occurrence of pairs of genres by iterating over all pairs of books in each topic and counting the co-occurence of their respective genres and divide that by the expected co-occurrence of pairs of genres when the books are randomly shuffled. For the expected co-occurrence, each shuffling gives different counts, so we repeat the random shuffling 100 times and take the mean number of co-occurrences per pair of genres as the expectation. The Observed over Expected (OoE) ratio is shown in Figure 4. An OoE ratio of 1 means that two genres are co-occuring no more in the topics than is expected when there is no relationship between topic and genre. Scores higher than 1 mean genres are more likely to co-occur than chance (topically, they are similar to each other) and lower than 1 that they are less likely to co-occur (topically, they are dissimilar to each other). The numbers on the diagonal are the highest per row and column, meaning that books of each genre are more likely to end up in topics with other books of the same genre than with books of a different genre.

Figure 4: Observed over Expected ratio (OoE) of genre co-occurrences as observed in the 228 topics compared to the expected co-occurrences of randomly shuffling the books over 228 clusters of the same size.

We make a few more observations. First, some genres are very dissimilar from others. Most of the compared OoE scores for Fantasy with other genres are well below 1.0. It is topically only slightly similar to Young adult. Second, some genres are topically similar to each other. Children’s fiction and Young adult have an OoE of 3.52, while the OoE of Literary thriller and Suspense is 2.17. These are topical connections that are not surprising. Third, Literary fiction is topically somewhat similar to Literary thrillers (OoE of 1.23), but dissimilar to Suspense (0.46). Even though Literary thriller is similar to Suspense, it has a topical connection to other Literary fiction that Suspense does not have. In addition, while NUR codes are mostly a marketing instrument, their distinction between Literary thrillers and other Suspense novels relates to a topical distinction as well. Finally, fourth, the numbers on the diagonal vary strongly, with Historical fiction novels being much more likely to be topically clustered with other historical novels than with novels of other genres (OoE is 24.23), while for Literary fiction (2.45) and Non-fiction (3.23) this is much less likely. This may be partly due to the fact that the latter two are the largest genres in the collection and therefore have a high a priori probability to end up in topics with books of other genres, but we speculate that it may also be due to the fact that these two genres do not have a clear topic profile (whereby we stress that topic here is interpreted as sharing vocabulary, because the Doc2Vec embedding space is based on word tokens).

4.1.2 Thematic Distribution per Genre

Next, we perform a qualitative analysis of the topics and their relationship to genre, via the identified themes described in subsection 3.3.

The distribution of topic themes per genre is shown in Figure 5 in the form of radar plots. The genres show distinct thematic profiles. Literary fiction scores high on the themes of culture, geography & setting and behaviors/feelings which is perhaps not surprising. Non-fiction scores high on religion, spirituality & philosophy, medicine/health, economy & work, and behaviors/feelings which are themes that few fiction genres score high on.

Figure 5: Radar plots showing the relative prevalence of themes in six genres, from left to right, top to bottom: Literary thrillers, Suspense, Children’s fiction and Young adult, Romance, Fantasy, Literary fiction, Historical fiction, Other fiction and Non-fiction.

In Children’s fiction, there is relatively little use of the geographical aspect of setting, especially compared to other fiction genres. That is, it seems that children’s novels make little explicit reference to geographical places. They score high on behaviors/feelings and moderately high on culture, family and supernatural, fantasy & sci-fi. The main difference between Children’s fiction and Young adult is that the latter scores higher on supernatural, fantasy & sci-fi. For the former, Young adult strongly overlaps with Fantasy novels. Young adult also adds in a bit of romance & sex. These observations suggest that Children’s fiction and Young adult by and large treat the same themes, but against different ‘backgrounds’. Children’s fiction deals with behaviors/feelings against a backdrop of culture and family. Young adult does practically the same, but adds supernatural, fantasy & sci-fi elements to the story and opens the stage for some romantic behavior.

If one were to hazard a guess about reader development, it would almost seem as if young readers are invited to pre-sort on the major themes of grown-up literature, whith Romance amplifying the romance & sex encountered in Young adult books, while Literary fiction and Literary thrillers amplify motifs of culture, setting, and crime, and Fantasy caters to the interest in the supernatural developed through Young adult fiction. Much more research would be needed, however, to substantiate such a pre-sorting effect. In any case, Romance scores high on romance & sex and has medium scores for culture and geography & setting, while Suspense novels score high on crime and have medium scores for geography & setting and war.

We expect that many of these observations coincide with intuitions of literary researchers. This suggests that the grouping of topics by theme makes sense from a literary analytical perspective. The findings also show where genres overlap and where they differ. For instance, the profile for Literary fiction and Literary thriller are similar, with the main difference being the much higher prevalence of the crime theme in Literary thrillers. Suspense is similar to Literary thrillers in the prevalence of crime as theme, but lower scores for culture and geography & setting.

One of the main findings is that, for the chosen document frequency range of mid-frequency terms, there is a clear connection between topic and genre, with thematic clustering of topics leading to distinct genre profiles, but also to thematic connections between certain genres. None of this will radically transform our understanding of genre and topic, but it prompts the question how different parts of the document frequency distribution relate to different aspects of novels. From authorship attribution research, we know that authorial signal is mainly found in the high-frequency range and our work corroborates earlier findings that topics contain genre-signals in mid-range frequencies (Thompson and Mimno 2018; Zundert et al. 2022).

4.2 Impact and Genre

4.2.1 Reviews per Genre

With the genre labels, we can count how many books in each genre have reviews in our dataset and how many reviews they have (Table 1). The genre with the highest total number of reviews is Literary fiction, with 200,907 reviews in our dataset, followed by Literary thrillers and Suspense novels. If we consider the number of reviews per book, Literary thrillers have the highest mean number of reviews (22.8). However, the distribution of the number of reviews per book is highly skewed, with a single review per book being the most likely and having more reviews being increasingly unlikely (Koolen et al. 2020). The distributions per genre show some differences, but all are close to a power-law. The cumulative distribution function of the number of reviews per book for the different genres are shown in Figure 6, with on the Y-axis the probability P(Xx) that a book has at least x reviews.11

Table 1: Reviews per genre and mean number of reviews per book per genre.

Reviewed books Reviews Mean reviews/book
Literary fiction 19,288 200,907 10.4
Literary thriller 3,394 77,288 22.8
Young adult 2,919 30,552 10.5
Children fiction 5,348 27,989 5.2
Suspense 6,266 67,990 10.9
Fantasy fiction 1,571 13,739 8.7
Romance 1,291 6,434 5.0
Historical fiction 556 3,463 6.2
Regional fiction 472 1,528 3.2
Other fiction 7,260 37,515 5.2
Non-fiction 26,884 109,158 4.1

Figure 6: The cumulative distribution function of the number of reviews per book, on a log-log scale. The Y-axis shows the probability P(Xx) that a book has at least x reviews.

The curves for some of the genres overlap, which makes them difficult to discern, but there are a few main insights. First, Regional fiction and Non-fiction have the fastest falling curves, indicating that books in these genres are the least likely to acquire many reviews. Next is a cluster of Children’s fiction, Romance, Historical fiction, and Other fiction, which tend to get a slightly higher number of reviews. Then there is a cluster of Suspense, Literary fiction, Young adult, and Fantasy fiction, which tend to get more reviews than the previous cluster. And finally, clearly above the rest, is the curve of Literary thrillers, which tend to get more reviews than books in any other genre.

Thrillers are more often reviewed on the platforms that are in the review dataset. Romance novels have fewer reviews but are a very popular genre (Regis (2003, 108), see also Darbyshire (2023)). This prompts the question of whether readers of Regional and Romance novels have less desire to review these novels or review them on different platforms and in different ways. As there seem to be many video reviews of Romance novels on TikTok using the tag #BookTok, this would be a valuable resource to add to our investigations. A difference in the number of reviews might be a signal of a difference in impact, but it is also plausible that different genres attract different types of readers who express their impact in different ways linguistically, using different media (e.g., text or video) on different platforms (e.g., GoodReads or TikTok). To that extent, the review dataset may be a biased representation of the impact of books in different genres. Bracketing for a moment the potential skewedness of the number of reviews per genre and taking the number of reviews as a proxy of popularity, it is also interesting to observe that popularity is apparently a commodity that is reaped in orders of magnitude.

4.2.2 Key Impact Terms per Genre

Correlations between genres First, we compare genres in terms of their impact terms using the document proportions per impact term. For each pair of genres, we compute the Pearson correlation ρ between the document proportions of all impact terms. A high positive correlation means that impact terms with a high document proportion in one genre tend to also have a high document proportion in the other genre.

The correlations per impact type are shown in Figure 7. For Affect impact terms (the top correlation table), most genre pairs have a near perfect correlation (0.8<ρ<1.0) and only few pairs have a moderate (0.4<ρ<0.6) or strong correlation (0.6<ρ<0.8), notably Children’s fiction in combination with either Historical ficton, Literary thrillers and Suspense. For Narrative impact terms, there are more moderate correlations, with Non-fiction standing out as the most distinct genre. This is not surprising, given that (we assume) Non-fiction books are least likely to be discussed in terms of narrative. For Aesthetic impact terms, there are only four correlations below but close to 0.8, indicating that there are few differences in vocabulary between genres. The overwhelming majority of strong and near perfect correlations suggests that, overall, impact across genres is expressed in the same vocabulary.

Figure 7: Pearson correlation in the doc proportion scores of impact terms between pairs of genres, for Affect (top), Narrative (middle) and Aesthetic (bottom).

Vocabulary differences between genres Even though the correlations are mostly strong, we can still zoom in on the largest differences in vocabulary usage. For generic Affect, Children’s fiction is most distinctive as it has high score differences with all other genres. The document proportions for generic Affect terms of Children’s fiction and Regional fiction are shown in Figure 8. The diagonal line shows where terms have equal proportions in both genres. Reviews of Children’s fiction seem to use a smaller impact vocabulary – almost all document proportions are close to zero – but much higher proportions for the impact term “leuk” (fun or cool). This term is used much less in reviews of other genres.

Figure 8: Document proportions of generic Affect terms for Children’s fiction and Regional fiction.

For Narrative impact, the biggest summed difference is between Romance and Literary thrillers (see Figure 9). The main differences are found with a handful of terms, “spannend” (thrilling, suspenseful), “spanning” (suspense) and “verrassen” (surprise) are more common in Literary thrillers and “romantisch” (romantic) and “heerlijk” (lovely, wonderful) are more common in Romance novels. These are perhaps somewhat obvious, but show that impact, or at least the language of impact, is related to genre.

Figure 9: Document proportions of Narrative impact terms for Romance and Literary thrillers.

For Aesthetic impact, the biggest summed difference is between Romance and Historical fiction (see Figure 10). Here again, the main differences are in a few terms. Reviews of Historical fiction more often mention impact terms like “mooi” (beautiful), “beschrijven” (describe), “beschreven” (described), and “prachtig” (beautiful). Reviews of Romance novels more often mention “schrijfstijl” (writing style), “humor” (humor), and “luchtig” (airy). It seems that for Historical fiction, reviewers focus more on descriptions (how evocatively the author describes historical settings, persons, or events), while reviewers of Romance novels focus more on humor and lightness of style. A close reading of some of the contexts in which “schrijfstijl” is mentioned in Romance reviews suggests that reviewers often use it in phrases like “makkelijke schrijfstijl” and “vlotte schrijfstijl” (a writing style that reads easily or quickly, respectively).

Figure 10: Document proportions of Aesthetic impact terms for Historical fiction and Romance.

4.3 Impact and Topic

The third link between the three main concepts that are the focus of this paper is between impact and topic.

To study how the use of impact terms differs between reviews of books with different themes – recall, we are talking about theme in the sense of topically grouped clusters of books – we first need to group the reviews by theme. Because themes are based on topics and some themes share the same topics, some reviews are assigned to multiple themes. We calculated Pearson correlations between themes in terms of the document proportions per impact term, just as we did for genre (see Figure 13, Figure 14, and Figure 15 in Appendix C). There are many observations that could be made, but again, we limit ourselves to the most salient ones related to the three largest themes (in number of books). First of all, the vast majority of the correlations are near perfect, suggesting that impact is expressed with similar vocabulary across reviews for books associated with different themes. For Aesthetic impact, there are no correlations below 0.8. For Narrative impact, the one clearly distinct theme is medicine/health, which has no or weak correlations with most of the other themes.

When we zoom in on the document proportions of individual impact terms and compare two genres, we observe the overall similarity but also some specific differences. The comparative document proportions for general affect terms are shown for reviews of books related to themes crime and culture (top of Figure 11) or family and war (bottom of Figure 11).

Figure 11: Document proportions of general Affect terms for the themes crime and culture (top) and family and war (bottom).

The proportions for crime and culture are slightly different, but most of the data points are close to the diagonal and the correlation between the sets of proportions is high. Impact terms like “verrasen” (to surprise) and “aanrader” (recommendation) are used slightly more often in reviews of crime-related books, while terms like “gevoel” (feeling), “emotie” (emotion), and “grappig” (funny) are more often used for culture-related books. However, the relative differences in proportion are small. For family and history, we observe larger differences, with affect terms like “leuk” (fun, enjoyable) and especially “grappig” (funny) having much higher document proportions in reviews of family-related books than war-related books.

For Narrative impact terms, the comparative document proportions for reviews related to the themes family and history are shown in Figure 12. Again, most of the data points are close to the diagonal, showing the similarity in usage of impact terms. However, the biggest difference is that family reviewers are more likely to use terms like “herkenbaar” (recognizable), “ontroerend” (touching), while history reviewers more often use “indrukwekkend” (impressive), “aangrijpend” (gripping), and “boeiend” (intriguing, fascinating).

Figure 12: Document proportions of Narrative impact terms for the themes family and history.

Note that for terms with lower document proportions (i.e., between 0 and 0.1%), the relative differences in proportions can be large, signaling potentially highly statistically significant differences between genres or themes. But, the fact that the proportions are low means that these significant differences are between very rare and extremely rare usage of terms. To illustrate, the Aesthetic term “geniaal” (genius or brilliant) is six times more likely to occur in Young adult fiction reviews than in reviews of Children’s fiction, but “geniaal” is very rare in the former (14 total occurrences, or 0.05% of 29,075 reviews) and extremely rare in the latter (two occurrences, or 0.008% of 25,074 reviews).

Although such large relative differences may give further insight into how genre and theme relate to impact, we want to stress the high overall similarity. It suggests that reviewers use a largely common vocabulary for expressing impact, regardless of the genre or theme of a book. Large relative differences in rare terms are potentially insightful to interpret differences between individual books, authors, or reviewers, but they say little about genres or topics overall.

5. Discussion and Conclusion

In this paper, we investigated the relationship between three important concepts in literary studies: genre, topic, and impact. We discuss our findings for each pair of concepts in turn.

Genre and topic Our analyses have corroborated earlier findings on the relationship between genre and topic. By clustering topics identified by topic modeling into broader themes and by measuring the prevalence of these themes in the books of specific genres, we find that topics have a strong relation with genres and the genres have distinct thematic profiles. These profiles match existing intuitions about the distribution of themes across genres. Potentially, these profiles can provide additional insight into genre dynamics (e.g., as to what motivates readers to mix-read genres or not), although much of this aspect remains to be examined.

Genre and impact The Dutch Reading Impact Model (DRIM by Boot and Koolen (2020)) identifies sets of words that are to some extent related to genre, and by studying the overlap in key impact terms between genres, we find clusters of genres that are similar in how their impact is described. Of course, this is not entirely surprising. For instance, Suspense novels and Literary thrillers are highly similar in terms of all three types of impact. However, it is much less obvious or intuitive that Historical fiction, Literary fiction and Fantasy have very similar distributions of Aesthetic impact terms, nor that Non-fiction is distinct from most other genres in terms of Narrative impact, apart from Literary fiction and Other fiction.

It remains unclear for now how we should explain the relationship between impact and genre. Perhaps this relation signals that reviewers develop and copy conventions for writing about books from other reviews they have read, regardless of genre differences. At the same time, we should not ignore the differences that do exist. At an aggregate level, differences may seem small, but small differences in usage across a range of impact terms could still signal a consistent and meaningful difference in impact. Finally, depending on how the reading impact model was developed, this may also be an artifact of how the rules were constructed. For instance, if reviews for a heterogeneous set of books were scanned to identify recurring expressions of impact, it is possible that expressions that are shared across genres stood out and were more likely to be included in the set of rules. Further analysis is required to establish which, if any, of these factors contributes to the relationship between fiction genres and reading impact as expressed in reviews.

Topic and impact For the first two pairs of concepts, there were some expectations, e.g., that there is a relation between the Romance genre and topics related to the theme of romance & sex, or that typical narrative impact terms in reviews of Young adult novels overlap with those in reviews of Fantasy novels. For the link between topic and impact, we struggled to come up in advance with expectations on how the topics in novels are related to impact. Novels discussing topics such as war and its consequences or living with physical or mental illness might lead to more reviews mentioning Narrative impact. But honest reflection forces us to admit that the results of topic modeling do not shed much light on how authors deal with topics and how reviewers discuss them. This gap stubbornly persists throughout continued engagement with our data in several papers. Consequently, this should give us pause to reflect on our operationalizations. Although vector models have moved beyond bag-of-words approaches and are becoming increasingly more sophisticated, we have not inched significantly closer to answering the question of which features of novel texts relate to what types of reader impact adequately and satisfyingly from a literary studies perspective.

Our reflections tie in with observations and suggestions made in some recent methodological publications on computational humanities: Bode (2023) argues that humanities researchers applying conventional methods and those embracing computational or data science methods should take a greater and more sincere interest in each other’s work. Rather than addressing research questions by stretching either method beyond its limits, researchers ought to investigate how the different methods can reinforce and amplify each other. Pichler and Reiter (2022) argue that operationalizations in computational linguistics and computational literary studies are currently often poor because we typically fail to express the precise operations that identify the theoretical concept we are trying to observe. Indeed our operationalizations seem underwhelming in the light of literary mechanisms. The reason to label a topic as being about war is that it contains words directly and strongly associated with war and emphasizing the physical aspects of it, such as war, soldier, bombing, battlefield, wounded, etc. But novels that readers would describe as being about war might instead focus on more indirect aspects or on aspects that war shares with many other situations, such as dire living conditions or being cut-off from the rest of the world, feeling unsafe and scared, or the sense of helplessness or hopelessness. The problem is not just that words indirectly related to war might lead an annotator to label a topic as being about something other than war. It is also that an author, going by the good practice of “show don’t tell”, can conjure up images that fit these words in almost infinitely many ways that are almost impossible to capture by looking at bags of words. Which means we need infinitely better operationalizations.

6. Data Availability

Data used for the research can be found at: It has been archived and is persistently available at:

7. Software Availability

All code created and used in this research has been published at: It has been archived and is persistently available at:


  1. See: [^]
  2. Experiments with using different frequency ranges for filtering suggests that the topic modeling process is relatively insensitive with regards to the upper limit. I.e., using 50%, 30%, or 10% results in roughly equal numbers of topics that show the same relationship with book genre (see subsubsection 4.1.1 and the following notebook: [^]
  3. For all Dutch terms we will consistently provide English translation in italics between parentheses. [^]
  4. International Standard Book Number, see: [^]
  5. Search and Retrieval by URL, see: [^]
  6. Top2Vec creates topics by clustering the document vectors and taking the centroid of each cluster as the topic vector. We computed the cosine similarity between the document vector (representing the book) and the topic vectors, and selected the top five closest (i.e., most similar) topics to each book. [^]
  7. Note that in this paper “theme” should not be taken to coincide with the literary studies sense of theme. Rather we use the term “theme” to clearly distinguish between the topics as identified by Top2Vec and their clustering as done by us. [^]
  8. See: [^]
  9. NUR stands for Nederlandse Uniforme Rubrieksindeling or Dutch Uniform Categories classification. [^]
  10. The KL divergence measures the statistical distance between two distributions, that is, how statistically different they are with respect to each other. [^]
  11. We show the cumulative distribution instead of the plain distribution because it produces smoother curves and better shows the trends. [^]

8. Acknowledgements

This project has been supported through generous material and in-kind technical and data-science analytical support from the eScience Center in Amsterdam. We thank the National Library of the Netherlands for providing access to the novels used in this research and for their invaluable technical support.

9. Author Contributions

Marijn Koolen: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Writing – original draft

Joris J. van Zundert: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Visualization, Writing – review & editing

Eva Viviani: Formal analysis, Software, Validation, Visualization

Carsten Schnober: Resources, Software

Willem van Hage: Methodology, Resources, Software

Katja Tereshko: Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing


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A. Mapping NUR Codes to Genre Labels

The complete mapping of NUR codes to genre labels is shown in Table 2.

Table 2: The selected NUR codes of novels in our dataset of 18,885 novels and their mapping to genres.

NUR code NUR label Genre label
280 Children’s Fiction general Children’s fiction
281 Children’s fiction 4–6 years Children’s fiction
282 Children’s fiction 7–9 years Children’s fiction
283 Children’s fiction 10–12 years Children’s fiction
284 Children’s fiction 13–15 years Young adult
285 Children’s fiction 15+ Young adult
300 Literary fiction general Literary fiction
301 Literary fiction Dutch Literary fiction
302 Literary fiction translated Literary fiction
305 Literary thriller Literary thriller
312 Pockets popular fiction Literary fiction
313 Pockets suspense Suspense
330 Suspense general Suspense
331 Detective Suspense
332 Thriller Suspense
334 Fantasy Fantasy fiction
339 True crime Suspense
342 Historical novel (popular) Historical fiction
343 Romance Romance
344 Regional and family novel Regional fiction

B. Overlap between Themes in Terms of Shared Books

The topic modeling process assigns each book to a single topic, but because individual topics can be linked to multiple themes, their books are also linked to multiple themes. As a consequence, themes share books and reviews, and some pairs of themes may have larger overlap than others. This overlap between themes is shown for pairs of themes where for one theme at least 25% of the books for one theme are shared by the other theme.

Table 3: Overlap in books between themes, for themes where one theme shares at least 25% of the books with the other theme.

Book Books
Theme 1 Share 1 Theme 2 Share 2 Overlap Theme 1 Theme 2
crime 0.33 geo. & setting 0.14 619 1,899 4,317
culture 0.49 geo. & setting 0.40 1,713 3,524 4,317
econ. & work 0.36 behav./feelings 0.12 446 1,232 3,860
econ. & work 0.30 society 0.44 371 1,232 851
econ. & work 0.25 politics 0.49 310 1,232 634
family 0.65 behav./feelings 0.08 324 498 3,860
family 0.30 culture 0.04 151 498 3,524
geo. & setting 0.40 culture 0.49 1,713 4,317 3,524
history 0.51 geo. & setting 0.24 1,038 2,020 4,317
history 0.31 war 0.65 622 2,020 952
life st. & sport 0.31 medi./health 0.20 216 702 1,058
politics 0.49 econ. & work 0.25 310 634 1,232
politics 0.49 society 0.36 310 634 851
society 0.44 econ. & work 0.30 371 851 1,232
society 0.36 politics 0.49 310 851 634
war 0.65 history 0.31 622 952 2,020

C. Correlations between Themes in Terms of Impact

The correlations between themes in terms of the percent difference (%Diff) per impact term for generic Affect, Narrative, and Aesthetics are shown in Figure 13, Figure 14, and Figure 15, respectively.

Figure 13: Percent different correlations between themes based on general Affect terms.

Figure 14: Percent different correlations between themes based on Narrative impact terms.

Figure 15: Percent different correlations between themes based on general Aesthetic impact terms.